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'SETIC 2019' Information guide English version

  • 관리자
  • 2018.02.23
  • 1817

As a celebration of 54rd anniversary of‘Electricity Day’, SETIC 2019 will be held with the topics, wiring regulation, grounding and protection regulation, electric energy storage system, prosumer installation, seismic design, etc, in order to secure the electric safety and to develop the electricity industry.

SETIC (Sustainable Electric Technology International Conference) 2019
Date : April 8 April 10, 2019
Location : 63 Convention Center, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
- Opening ceremony
- Keynote speech
- Technical sessions
∙ Korea Electro-technical Code seminar for electrical installations and electric power generation installations.
∙ International seminar for electric energy storage system
∙ Seismic design and technology seminar for electric power generation installations
∙ Specialized technology sessions
⊳ Hydro and fired power generation seismic design
⊳ Electric safety diagnosis for electricity prosumer installations
⊳ Future national energy policy and status
- Electric Industry exhibition
- Reception (banquet)

Period : March 19 March 30, 2018
Contact : JS Lee,
Korea Electric Association
- phone : 82 2 2223-3684
- email : drs2013@kea.kr
Web : http://kec.kea.kr